Cara Memasang Meta Tag Google, Bing, Yahoo Di Blog

Salah satu trik SEO yang simpel dan gampang dilakukan dan manfaatnya sangat besar adalah dengan submit URL ke Google, Yahoo dan Bing. Google, Yahoo dan Bing adalah search engine yang menyediakan webmaster tool yang memberikan informasi rinci dan statistik tentang bagaimana mereka bisa melihat dan menjelajahi blog anda. Agar Google, Yahoo dan Bing dapat mengakses sebagian besar fitur di blog Sobat, Sobat harus memverifikasi blog Sobat terlebih dulu. Berikut adalah cara memverifikasi meta tag di Google dan Bing ( Webmaster Yahoo Site Explorer sudah bergabung dengan Bing ) :

Google Webmaster Tools
  1. Log in ke https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ dengan account Google anda.
  2. Masukkan URL blog Anda dan klik [Add Site].
  3. Anda akan disajikan dengan beberapa metode verifikasi.
  4. Pilih Meta Tag.
  5. Copy meta tag, yang akan terlihat seperti contoh berikut :    meta name=’google-site-verification’content=’dBw5CvburAxi537Rp9qi5uG2174Vb6JwHwIRwPSLIK8
  6. Jangan tutup halaman verifikasi Google Webmaster Tools dulu.
  7. Login ke dashboard blog Anda.
  8. Dan paste-kan kode meta tag tadi sebelum </head>.
  9. Klik tombol [Save Changes].
  10. Kembali ke halaman verifikasi Google Webmaster Tools dan klik tombol [Verify].

Bing Webmaster Center/Yahoo Site Explorer\n
  1. Log in ke http://www.bing.com/webmaster dengan account Live! anda.
  2. Klik [Add a site].
  3. Masukkan URL blog anda dan klik [Submit].
  4. Copy meta tag META pada kolom [Meta tag authentication] seperti contoh berikut :   meta name=’msvalidate.01?content=’12C1203B5086AECE94EB3A3D9830B2E
  5. Jangan tutup halaman verifikasi Bing Webmaster Center dulu.
  6. Login ke dashboard blog anda..
  7. Dan paste-kan kode meta tag tadi sebelum </head>.
  8. Klik tombol [Save Changes].
  9. Kembali ke halaman verifikasi Bing Webmaster Center dan klik tombol [Return to the Site list].
Demikian info trik SEO Cara Memasang Meta Tag Google, Bing, Yahoo Di Blog, semoga membantu.

Teluk terbesar di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Teluk meksiko adalah teluk terbesar di dunia. Luas teluk yang masih merupakan bagian dari Laut Karibia ini adalah 1,6 juta km2. Teluk Meksiko memiliki kedalaman rata-rata 1.614 meter. New Orleans dan Houston adalah kota pelabuhan utama di Teluk Meksiko. Teluk ini berbatasan dengan Meksiko di sebelah barat dan selatan. Sementara di sebelah utara dan barat berbatasan dengan Amerika Serikat. Teluk Meksiko diperkirakan terbentuk kurang lebih 300 juta tahun lalu karena pergerakan tektonika lempeng.

Kondisi kesehatan seseorang bisa dilihat dari kuku

Kondisi kesehatan seseorang bisa dilihat dari kukuTahukah Anda sebenarnya kondisi kesehatan kita bisa juga dilihat dari keadaan kuku, kuku yang sehat dapat mencerminkan bahwa orang tersebut kondisi kesehatannya baik. Perubahan yang terlihat pada kuku bisa menunjukkan kondisi kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan. Jadi, kondisi kuku yang bagaimana yang dianggap tidak sehat? Berikut ini bentuk kuku yang menggambarkan keadaan kesehatan seseorang seperti dilansir Times of India :

1. Kuku bertekstur kasar
Kondisi ini bisa berarti seseorang tengah depresi. Biasanya kuku yang cenderung kasar terjadi pada orang dengan psoriasis. Keadaan kuku seperti ini juga bisa berhubungan dengan gangguan jaringan dan alopecia.

2. Kuku menguning, menebal, atau rapuh
Orang yang memiliki kuku berwarna kuning atau keputihan dengan tekstur tebal tapi mudah rapuh bisa dipastikan mengalami infeksi jamur.

3. Kuku pucat
Jika kuku terlihat pucat, Anda bisa jadi kekurangan darah alias mengalami anemia. Selain itu, kuku yang pucat juga bisa jadi tanda awal diabetes atau gangguan liver.

4. Ada garis hitam di kuku
Jika Anda melihat ada garis hitam vertikal di kuku, itu bisa jadi indikasi melanoma. Biasanya, garis hitam ini akan muncul di ibu jari.

5. Kuku membiru
Jika kuku Anda kebiru-biruan sudah pasti tubuh Anda tidak mendapatkan cukup oksigen. Penyebabnya bisa karena ada infeksi pada paru-paru atau masalah jantung.

6. Kuku membengkak
Kondisi ini terjadi ketika ujung jari dan kutikula Anda membesar. Proses ini membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena pasokan oksigen yang sangat rendah dalam tubuh akibat adanya gangguan pada paru-paru. Kondisi ini juga menjadi tanda penyakit usus dan gangguan jantung.

7.Kuku rapuh dan timbul garis putih
Kuku yang rapuh timbul sebagai akibat Anda terlalu banyak memakai bahan kimia. Sedangkan jika timbul garis putih di lebih dari satu kuku, bisa jadi ada masalah pada ginjal Anda. Atau, garis Muehrcke ini adalah tanda Anda kekurangan protein atau nutrisi lain dalam tubuh.

8. Kuku 'sendok' dan ada garis merah kecil
Kuku sendok adalah istilah untuk kuku yang sangat halus tapi terlihat berlubang. Keadaan kuku seperti ini bisa jadi tanda Anda kekurangan zat besi atau mengalami masalah liver. Sedangkan garis merah kecokelatan pada kuku seperti darah kering menunjukkan adanya masalah pada jantung atau cedera biasa.

Demikian info Kondisi kesehatan seseorang bisa dilihat dari kuku tentang kesehatan kali ini semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan kita, dan kita tetap peduli pada kondisi kesehatan kita.

Daftar Blog Dofollow Pagerank 1 keatas

Daftar Blog Dofollow PR 1 keatas terbaru -  Salah satu trik seo yang dapat kita lakukan diantaranya adalah backlink dofollow dengan memberikan komentar blog. Mendapat backlink dofollow dari blog/website yang memiliki PR ( Google PageRank ) tinggi adalah suatu yang sangat didambahkan oleh para blogger. Namun untuk mendapatkan backlink itu tidaklah segampang yang kita bayangkan. Bahkan ada sebagian blogger yang rela mengeluarkan tidak sedikit uang untuk mendapatkan link dofollow dari PR tinggi. Bagi Sobat yang  tidak ingin buang duit untuk beli backlink atau yang pingin gratisan masih banyak jalan menuju Roma. Caranya adalah dengan membuat komentar di blog/website dofollow PR Tinggi. Berikut saya akan berbagi Daftar Blog Dofollow mulai  Pagerank 1 keatas yang dapat anda kunjungi :



Demikian Daftar Blog Dofollow yang dapat Sobat kunjungi untuk memberikan sedikit komentar yang bermanfaat, tapi jangan spam lho... Semoga dapat meningkatkan traffic Blog Sobat sekalian.

Samudera terkecil di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Samudera Pasifik adalah samudera terbesar, maka Samudera Arktik adalah samudera terkecil di dunia, dan juga termasuk samudera terdangkal diantara lima samudera di dunia. Samudera ini terletak di kawasan Kutub Utara yang dikelilingi oleh daratan-daratan luas, seperti Greenland (Kanada), Alaska (Amerika), Rusia (Asia dan Eropa), dan kawasan Skandinavia (Eropa). Bagian Samudera Artik banyak yang tertutup es sepanjang tahun. Suhu dan kadar garam di samudra Arktik bervariasi tergantung dari es yang menutupinya sedang mencair atau meleleh, kadar garamnya adalah yang terendah dari rata-rata lima samudra lainnya. Beruang kutub adalah salah satu penghuni Samudera Arktik. Luas Samudera Arktik ini hanya sekitar 14.056.000 km2 dengan panjang garis pantai 45.389.000 km. 

Ways You Can Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Your social connections can translate to site popularity if you only know how to use them. Think about it:  all those connections mean real people that can translate to several things for a website: members, readers, a paying market, a free means for promotions and marketing. If you own a website, you can take advantage of your connections through social media to drive traffic to your site.  Here's how:

Offer high value content
If there's one thing you have that will find high acceptance in the social media, it's content. If you can produce good content; the kind that people actually read from the first word to the last, the kind that gets passed on from one person to the next and talked about, you'll find a good audience waiting for you in social media. 
High value content is highly sought after in social media networks and elsewhere on the internet. After all, content is what makes the internet interesting. If you want to drive traffic to your website using social media, be popular with its users by offering them something they can't refuse.

Make content usable
Aside from creating original and high value content, you also need to provide your target audience with a way to find it. Your content is more likely to be noticed and read if it's organized and can be located quickly. Make sure your articles are easy to use and are optimized so anyone looking for topics related to your write-up will find them easily.

Increase your presence
Were you a hit with one write-up? Did you cause a sensation with your previous submission, driving massive traffic to your website in the process? Don't just stop there. 
Consistently and frequently update your submissions to social media networks. You want to make sure that people remember you not for that one great write-up you produced but for being a reliable source of excellent content. 
That way, each time you submit an article, it can ride on the buzz you have already created for yourself. Once you're a recognizable name in social media, your target audience will gladly follow your link back to your website. They'll even find you on their own.

Don't be shy about promoting yourself. Each time you have a new write-up or significant changes in your website, inform your target audience through e-mail. Mention the same in your podcasts and other articles you might submit to a directory. 
Make sure you let people know who you are and what you have to offer. However, make sure you don't overdo it. Promoting your write-up or website too aggressively in social media networks might make you look too desperate. People are also more likely to be suspicious of your intentions if you sell yourself too hard.

Encourage interaction
Sure, people like the anonymity the internet provides but they can't help but communicate with other people they find online. That's why you should provide them with a means to use your website or write-up to air their views.  Allow interaction such as comments, polls, surveys and feedback forms.
Using social media to drive traffic to a website is not exactly an easy task. In fact, it can often become labor intensive. However, if it's done well, it can be a very effective and inexpensive method to increase awareness for a website. Try to explore what you can contribute to social media and take advantage of this great source for traffic.

Sungai terpendek di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Sungai Roe adalah sungai terpendek. Panjang Sungai Roe telah di hitung oleh Guiness Book of Record yang hanya mencapai 61 meter atau hanya 200 kaki saja. Sungai Roe terletak di antara Giant Springs dan Sungai Missouri di Great Falls, Montana, Amerika Serikat. Sungai Roe ini baru di ketahui secara luas pada tahun 1989. Padahal sungai terpendek di dunia rupanya terletak di Sulawesi Tenggara. Letaknya, sekitar 90 km dari kota Kolaka ke arah utara, tepatnya di Desa Tamborasi, Kecamatan Wolo. Sungai Tamborasi diklaim sebagai sungai terpendek di dunia dengan panjang kurang lebih 20 meter dan lebar kurang lebih 15 meter. Meski terbilang pendek, sungai ini menyajikan rasa takjub akan keindahan panorama alamnya. Tapi sayang, informasi yang minim membuat obyek wisata ini tidak terpublikasi luas, sehingga masyarakat dunia tetap meyakini Sungai Roe dan Sungai Missouri di Great Falls,  Montana sebagai sungai terpendek di dunia.

Low Cost Ways for Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic is not something that is easy to get. In today's busy Internet marketplace, nearly everyone who has an Internet connection, computer, and some sense on how to work the keyboard and the mouse can make a website. Nearly everyone who has a website, some monetary and moneymaking sense, and web design savvy can earn from a website.
This can make traffic gathering an extremely difficult enterprise, which has made some people resort to high-cost marketing techniques; on the other hand, some marketers have resorted to sleazy techniques that are more annoying than fruitful.
Having traffic is one thing, but keeping it coming is another. This means that your job as a marketer is two-fold: you need to get people to notice your site, and you need to get them to keep on coming back as well. Believe it or not, there are ways to do this that do not entail you having to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars in order to be successful. You only need to know your market well enough, and know how to please people constantly without over-indulging them.

First, you need to know what your market is like. You should have a marketing scheme ready by this time. What is your target markets average age? Does your target market have any other interests? Is your target market most likely Internet savvy? This can help you look for your target market through social networks online.
Thanks to the paradigm of Web 2.0, more people are online and are aware of the Internets ability to connect people. You can exploit this by joining social networks and posting your URL, then looking for friends amongst people who have common interests.

Another more precise way of getting into Web 2.0 is through harnessing the power of forums and online groups. Join such places and simply post your URL, but do not advertise your site explicitly or sell any products and services just yet. Instead, help people out with their problems, offer advice, and present your opinions.
As your reputation builds up, start being more up front about your website: when people ask questions, direct them to a place in your URL, or say that you offer more things online. A forum or an online group is a great way to get more people to notice you, and to spread the word about your websites, products, and services.
Supplement your potential income by enrolling in an affiliate program, and by posting advertisements on your site. You can get commissions through clicks on these advertisements, thanks to programs such as Widget Bucks or Google AdSense. Although the money will trickle in, you can at least have some residual income to add to your profits.

Make sure that the ads that you post are relevant not only to your site content, but to the needs of your target market. When people see that your site is not only useful, but is giving them useful links, then you will be able to get more traffic to your site.
These are only a few tips on how you can get more traffic to your site of the Internet universe, and without spending too much. Sometimes, without spending anything at all! As long as you know how to market your site, products, and services, and as long as you know the behavior of your target market without appearing like a creep or a stalker, you will be able to get traffic to your website and have it rise in the ranks of the online elite.

Pulau terkecil di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Dari berbagai objek wisata yang menarik di Kalimantan Barat, ada salah satu keajaiban. Adalah Pulau Simping, pulau yang terkecil di dunia. Pulau ini sebelumnya di kenal dengan sebutan Pulau Kelapa Dua, terletak di Teluk Mak Jantu, tepatnya di kawasan Taman Pulau Sinka, Singkawang. Pulau Simping merupakan daratan yang terdiri dari pasir dan bebatuan yang ditumbuhi beberapa pohon di atasnya dengan Luasnya kurang dari 1 km persegi, di pulau ini juga terdapat semacam klenteng kecil, tempat warga Tionghoa setempat bersembahyang. Pulau yang Mungil ini menawarkan keindahan pemandangan pantai, laut, dan perbukitan yang mengelilinginya. 

How to Use Exchanges to Create Traffic

Exchanges are a way of sharing your own traffic to other websites. Brilliant people who are experiencing the same problem of directing an inadequate number of visitors to their sites had devised this strategy not too long ago. The idea is very simple. All a person has to do is to post advertisements of other websites on their own sites in exchange for the same thing.
In essence, it is you-advertise-on-my-website-and-I'll-advertise-on-your-site sort of agreement. People want to increase the popularity of their sites and that's a given. Some people are more than willing to exchange or share resources with others, so to speak.
There are different things you can propose an exchange with to other websites. You can exchange links, banners, content, and a whole lot of other promotional stuff. It is more about sharing what you have to other web masters so that they can share what they have to you in response.

The most popular exchanges in are in the form of URL's. Some web directories are actually requiring websites to put their link on the front page of the website that is requesting inclusion. More often than not, web directories test their live links to see if it is really there before they accept the website for submission.
Web directories are online classified listings of different websites. The links of the websites they contain actually came from the web masters who had intent to be included in the list. Some web directories are paid directories. This means that you need to pay these sites a certain amount before your link shows up on their pages.

However, web directories understand that not all web masters have the necessary funds to pay for advertisements. As such, web directories devised another mode of payment. Instead of web masters paying them money for link inclusion, they pay by publishing the web directory's link on their front page. This setup benefits both parties. The web directory is getting the promotion it gets while your website is getting more backlinks.
But links are not the only things that are used for exchanges these days. There are also inline text advertisements and even banners. Banner exchanges work in the same way as link exchanges. Only in this type, graphical banners are published instead of mere URL's.

Here, you can catch more of an audience from another website because you are free to use eye-catching graphics and sometimes, even multimedia, to get your message across. Banner exchanges with another website is a good idea if and only if the other website you are trading advertisement spots with have a better page ranking and traffic than you do.
Of course, the other website may be a little choosy in selecting a banner exchange partner. Either your website had to be related to their own, or yours has to have an equal amount of traffic and enjoy the same page ranking as theirs.
There are certain requirements that both parties have to meet. And it is very important that the two web masters exchanging links with each other have open communication so that they both maximize their efforts of generating traffic to their respective sites.

There are several websites nowadays that are proposing exchanges to fellow web masters. They serve as a middleman between two websites that are looking for traffic. In essence, they match two or more websites so that they can pool their resources together to gain the traffic they need. Their service makes the whole system easier, as you don't have to personally talk to another web master for an exchange. Most of them offer their services for free, by the way.
Exchanges can really do wonders for your site. If you have distributed your links or banners to a substantial amount of websites over the internet, even if only one unique person gets to click them everyday, you should be getting the results that you want. However, you have to be very careful when entering deals like these.

You don't want to over populate your websites with somebody else's links, advertisements, and banners in such a way that your own content becomes merely a shadow of the ruckus. Be very wary when positioning the links and banners from exchanges as well. They should not, in any way, make your website lose its credibility. 

sungai terpanjang di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Selain Sungai Amazon, Sungai Nil merupakan sungai terpanjang di dunia yang terdapat di Mesir. Sungai Nil mengalir sepanjang 6.650 km dan membelah sembilan negara, yaitu : Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, dan Mesir. Karena Sungai Nil mempunyai arti dalam sejarah bangsa Mesir (terutama Mesir kuno) maka Sungai Nil sangat identik dengan Mesir. Nama Sungai Nil berasal dari Bahasa Yunani, yaitu Neilos, yang artinya lembah sungai. Sungai Nil berasal dari Burundi yang terletak selatan khatulistiwa untuk kemudian mengalir ke arah utara, menyeberangi Afrika dan akhirnya bermuara ke laut Mediterania. Sungai Nil mempunyai peranan sangat penting dalam peradaban, kehidupan dan sejarah bangsa Mesir sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Salah satu nya adalah kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan tanah subur sebagai hasil sedimentasi di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai nya. Tanah yang subur ini memungkinkan penduduk Mesir mengembangkan pertanian dan peradaban sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu.

How to Generate Traffic from Articles

The internet is an optimum source of information over the world wide web. As such, it is a given that people log on to the internet primarily because they are looking for something they want to know more about, read more about, or research more about.
Given this fact, it becomes very important that your website is filled with useful content for people to read. It doesn't matter if you are keeping an information portal type of a website or an e-commerce site. You need content. You need articles. Keep in mind that these are the very things that could drive traffic to your site.
So how will your articles deliver a steady flow of visitors to your website? There are two ways. First, if you write about something that is related to your site and sprinkle some keywords in it, the search engines will notice your site more. Once you have your articles all written and ready, just upload it to your website.
Just wait, sit back, and relax while the search engine robots crawl through them after a few days. The robots will then add those keywords to the algorithm and the search engine they belong to use them to compute the popularity of a certain keyword to your site.

If your site proves to be the one that contains the most relevant information about the keyword typed by the user, then your site will appear on the first page of the search results.
It is a given that the higher your position in the search engine is, the better are the chances that the people who are using the search engine looking for something will click your site to check what you have to offer. The idea is simple - the more information rich articles you have uploaded and the more keywords you sprinkle in them, the higher are the chances your site get noticed by people.
But of course, we cannot discount the simple fact that your article on its own, can give you the traffic you want. There are slim chances that the story or the featured article you wrote about is the same with somebody else's if and when you have written it all by yourself. And so some people will definitely come looking for that piece of information you have. And if the unique articles you created contains the data internet users need, that should be enough pull.

Eventually, the same people will visit you frequently. If your website or your blog gives them the things they want, then you need not go out of your way to get traffic. Traffic will come to you naturally. There's not much technicality in this setup. All you really have to do is to upload numerous information-rich articles on your site and you should all set. But then again, you have to market your site some other way so that people will actually see your articles.
That leads us to the other effective method of using articles to generate traffic to your site. This is through the use of article directories. Article directories are websites whose primary purpose is to compile information rich articles submitted by their members. There are several of them out there today. And most of them follow stringent rules as to what types of articles you can upload. More often than not, you can only send articles that are highly informative with no distinct promotion for a service or a product.

These websites will publish your articles in their network. Your articles will then be available to all other internet users. The chances of your articles being read and spotted are higher if you submit them to article directories. This is because popular articles directories enjoy high page ranking.
Your articles, provided you have chosen the right keywords, will definitely show on top of the search engine's list without much of a hassle on your part. In essence, you are riding the website's popularity and are using it to your advantage.
Now it doesn't end there. Article directories normally allow one live URL or backlink to their authors. They also provide some space wherein you can put a small description of yourself, your website, and your expertise.

Therefore, with all of these working for you, plus a direct link to your website presented to the person surfing the internet interested in reading your article, you have higher chances of gaining people to actually come and visit your site just to find more information-rich articles like the one that engrossed them.

Sungai terbesar di dunia

Tahukah Anda? - Bumi di hiasi oleh sungai yang berkelok-kelok. Sungai dengan aliran terbesar di dunia adalah Sungai Amazon, yang terletak di Amerika Selatan. Sungai Amazon juga satu dari dua sungai terpanjang di dunia. Air tawar dari Sungai Amazon ini mengalir ke Samudera Atlantik. Sungai Amazon mengambil air dari koordinat 5° LU sampai 20° LS. Sumber paling jauh ditemukan di dataran tinggi inter-Andes, jarak yang cukup dekat dengan Samudera Pasifik dan setelah menempuh jarak 7.200 km (4.800 mil) melalui pedalaman Peru dan melewati Brasil, ia masuk Samudera Atlantik di katulistiwa. Jumlah aliran air Sungai Amazon mencapai 184.000 m2/detik. Jumlah ini merupakan seperlima dari jumlah seluruh air tawar yang masuk ke laut di seluruh dunia. Akibatnya, ratusan mil air laut di dekat Sungai Amazon berkadar garam rendah. Sungai Amazon banyak dihuni oleh habitat hewan langka dan beberapa predator mematikan di dunia, diantaranya : ikan piranha, buaya amazon, belut listrik, anakonda, katak beracun dan masih banyak lagi hewan predator lainnya. Hewan-hewan ini selalu di jaga oleh Tim Perlindungan Satawa dunia seperti WWF karena eksistensinya yang mulai langka.

How To Drive Traffic To a Website Through Article Marketing

There are many ways to increase website traffic. Some web developers are turning to SEO practices, link buying and even subscribing to pay-for-click programs just to encourage more visitors to their sites. One of the least expensive ways of increasing website traffic is through article marketing.

What is Article Marketing?
Article marketing is a form on online advertising. Basically, you write short articles about anything related to what you are trying to promote. After completing the piece, you have to make it available for distribution and publication in article directories, in the company website and even on someone else's site.
As a rule, each completed article contains a resource box which contains vital information like: the name of the author, a very brief background of the author, and contact information of the author, etc.

Essentials of Article Marketing

1. Write quality articles
Quality content is still the best way to make article marketing work.
You should remember that more than a million people log on to the Internet daily; and a good percentage of them post article after article about almost any topic.
When you write an article, try to incorporate all the information your potential reader may need or want. Internet users usually seek out valuable information like the ones that can help them solve their problems.
If you can, write and post articles that have the same theme or subject of interest; and write as many articles as you can. This is a way of building up your reputation among your readers. Given time, (and if your articles are interesting enough,) you just may develop a following of readers who are interested in reading what you have to say.

2. Craft the perfect resource box
As mentioned earlier, when you market your article, you should always have a resource box. Now, this is really important. This is the one place that can literally point your readers to your website. Here is how you should craft a perfect resource box:
The first thing that your readers should find in your resource box is your name and title, but more often than not, its just the name that people scout around for.
Do not forget to type in correctly your website address after your name.
After this, there is the compulsory USP or unique selling proposition: this is comprised of 1 to 3 brief and concise sentences as to what more you can possibly offer your readers.
Finally, you lead your readers into a call of action. This means that you are asking them to do one specific action: particularly asking them to visit your website.

Obviously, submitting your article for publication is important, but where do you send them? The easiest choice is to send them to article directories or acquire article distribution services. Submission to article directories is mostly free, and these directories will allow you to add links to your website. Article distribution services have varying fees, but they allow your piece to be posted in more sites than article directories.


My name is Deddy Damora, and you can call me dedi. Now, I am staying in Palembang - Indonesia. I work as a accounting in the one of the Company in Indonesia . My favorite is forextrading. If you have any question or complain anything I wrote here, please send an e-mail to dyamora[at]gmail[dot]com or write a comment in this blog.
Best Regards,


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